What to do when things don't go as planned

As a final year medical student, I know all too well nothing ever goes perfectly according to plan. Despite this, weeks ago, I set a goal for myself to complete one exam before leaving for London. In the last two days, I noticed just how far off my study plan I had strayed. I had thirty topics I hadn't even looked at. I still had to cover those plus review all ninety topics before the exam, which was in just three days. That's a lot of work in a short amount of time. 

I hated to admit it, but my goal was no longer attainable. The lackadaisical approach I had taken to studying had me way behind schedule and unprepared for my examI hadn't studied the way I had planned, or hoped. I had not dedicated the time or energy to studying that I should have. My mind was elsewhere, thinking of my trip on the weekend and all the things I had to do before leaving. 

When the plans we make don't work out, we become overwhelmed with feelings of frustration and disappointment. At least that's how it is for me, maybe some of you can relate too. But I would not succumb to my feelings of despair. Instead of beating myself up, I pondered, "am I expecting too much of myself?" As I reflected, I realised I had given myself an enormous task and put myself under a lot of unnecessary pressure.

I will be the last person to tell you university or medical school is easy. What I will tell you is never give up. I sat at my desk, pulled out a pen and some paper, and started to draw up a new plan. I made one schedule, then another, and another. I made so many schedules I lost count. I can't tell you that any of them is better than the last, but I think I have finally decided on one that works. I hope this will be the one I stick to. But even if it isn't, I will be okay. Just because it doesn't go according to plan, doesn't mean it was wrong. It doesn't mean I messed up and sure doesn't mean I failed. It simply means it wasn't the right time for me. We learn and we move on from it. 

Going into the next few weeks, I will keep this in mind. Hopefully, it gives me the much needed motivation and inspiration to push on, even when things get tough. No matter the battle you are fighting today, take a minute to breathe, then figure out your next move. Whatever you do don't give up. Not everything has to be figured out and it will all work out the way it is supposed to. 

When studying, how many plans do you have to make before you find one that you stick to? We all know my answer is too many to count. 


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