If you read yesterday’s post, then you already know what I’m about to say. Today my doctor was off, and it was up to me to see our patients. 

When I arrived at the ward this morning, the first thing I did was ask the other doctor if my doctor mentioned anything about the patients that were to be discharged today during the handover yesterday evening. The doctor informed me that two patients were to go home. This was great news. It meant our plan hadn’t changed after I left yesterday.

I began reviewing the files of these two patients to see what needed to be done today before they left and to make sure their discharge paperwork was in order. Both were awaiting lab results before they could be discharged. While I waited for the blood work, I worked my way from top to bottom down the list of patients reviewing their files as I always do. 

After this, I examined the two patients that would be discharged today. Luckily, they both spoke English to do this on my own. I needed to make sure they were clinically well. After examining them, I informed them I would return once I had their lab results to give them their letters, prescriptions, medication list, and follow-up appointments. These had already been prepared by my doctor yesterday, and all I needed to do was print them.

By the time I’d finished that, I checked, and the lab results were back. The results of the two patients were good, and I went to give them their discharge paperwork. Then, with the help of the other stagiair, I saw the remaining patients who didn’t speak English. For the most part, they were well and didn’t have any acute problems. 

Now I had to work on the notes. Late in the afternoon, the Professor came, and we did the ward rounds. There were 26 patients to see. As you can imagine, it was a long ward round.

On the bright side, some good news from today, one of our patients received a liver transplant. What a great way to end 2021!


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